Song "O Cross of Love": english text (also available in PDF format).


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O Cross of Love

Text and music: "Les Messagères de Notre-Dame".

O Cross of Love
O Cross of Jesus Christ,
Protect us all,
Enlighten up our night.
O Cross of Love
O Cross of Jesus Christ,
Protect us all
Illuminate our lives.

1. Reaching towards Heaven
To show me where I come from,
You are God’s chosen Hand
Revealing how to attain
Real happiness,
That’s given through the Cross
So I can rest
In ardent faith and trust.

2. O splendor in the night
Starlight shining in the sky
I’m guided by your light
To God’s Heart so very nigh.
O Cross of Love
When I am in the night
Help from above
Oh! make my hope shine bright.

3. In shadow of the Cross
Faithful Mother Mary stays.
Just like at Golgotha,
How so lovingly She prays
For Her children
Who have denied the Cross
For Her children
Whose faith they now have lost.

And whereas the world
Sinks ever deeper into darkness,
God’s spreads upon the earth
The Light of the Cross,
The Light of His Heart.












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